1. All groups must be approved and assigned a place in the line-up.
2. All groups must be accompanied by one or more chaperones over the age of 21.
3. No candy or other items may be thrown along the parade route but may be passed out along the route.
4. Participants must be in their assigned places by 6:00 p.m. or they will not be judged.
5. All music must reflect the 2024 Community Christmas Parade theme or be traditionally representivite of the holiday season.
6. Parade officials, volunteers and law enforcement officers will have the authority to remove anyone from the parade route for conduct not conducive to a positive community atmosphere. Parade officials reserve the right to bar entrance to nay participant not following the guidelines.
7. Car and truck entries must not have excessive loud noise and be in the good running condition. NO BURNOUTS WILL BE ALLOWED.
8. To enter the competition as a float, the decorated portion of the float may not be part of the vehicle.
9. Motorcycles and ATVs will be permitted this year.
10. No horses permitted.