Thank You for Completing the Sexual Wellness Self-Assessment!
**Next Steps:**
If you scored below 3 on any of these questions, it may be beneficial to explore sexual wellness support. Please reach out for a consultation to learn more about our integrative services, designed to support you in achieving sexual fulfillment and balance. Schedule Consultation
Above 3...
It looks like you’re already on a positive path toward sexual wellness. If you scored above 3 on most questions, you may already be experiencing a healthy connection with your sexuality. However, there’s always room for growth and deeper exploration!
If you're interested in enhancing your sexual wellness, we offer a variety of services tailored to take your well-being to the next level. Whether you're curious about:
Sexual Wellness Consultation
Mind-Body Therapy
Energy Healing
Sexual Wellness Coaching
We can support you in further expanding your awareness, pleasure, and connection with your sexual self. Our integrative approach is designed to help you deepen your understanding of your body, desires, and relationships.
Reach out to schedule a consultation or learn more about how our services can complement your journey to even greater fulfillment. Contact us today by clicking on the link to continue evolving your sexual wellness!
I'm ready to elevate!
Thank you
She Heals Integrative Wellness Team