INDEMNITY, POSITION OF SURF CONNECT, RISK WARNING, INSURANCE CONSENT, TERMS & CONDITIONS — must be read and agreed to before completion of form, as submission of form dictates your agreement to our booking terms and conditions as listed here in addition to those listed on our website
I understand Surf Connect is only acting as the booking agent and has no liability regarding the activity itself. I also understand that the practice of the said activit(ies) that employs the nature of sea and weather, has an element of danger and unpredictability and thereby involves the possibility injuries, to the extent of permanent and serious physical level. In consideration of the right for myself or my child to participate in training classes, I acknowledge and agree to assume all of the risks inherent in such practice and to hold the organization and people involved; Surf Connect, it's contractors, instructors, servants and agents, free from any and all liability, claim or demand, no matter how caused, whether by or through their negligence, for any injuries and/or expenses, and to indemnify them from all claims arising from myself/my child’s participation in these classes.
I also accept full responsibility of all equipment that is hired to me under this agreement. Any breakages or loss, user will be liable for full replacement cost.
I have hereby been advised to check if my home insurance policy covers this activity for self-injuries, injuries caused to others as well as equipment loss and damage, and to seek relevant insurance cover if it does not.
I also give consent for pictures taken during the activity to be used for promotional purposes through Surf Connect's Social Media Channels and website.
By agreeing to the terms and conditions of this form I also accept the release of liability, wavier of legal rights and assumption of risk. I also declare that I can swim competently, and of good health to participate in the said activity.