I acknowledge that the program is not responsible for any unforeseen events, including but not limited to vehicle accidents, weather conditions, or delays caused by traffic.
2. Seat Belts and Safety: I understand that safety is a top priority, and my child will be required to wear seat belts or appropriate safety restraints at all times during transportation. Failure to comply with safety guidelines may result in my child being excluded from future transportation activities.
3. Medical Consent: In the event of a medical emergency, I authorize program staff to seek necessary medical treatment for my child, including but not limited to hospitalization, surgery, or anesthesia. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me or the emergency contact listed above before any medical decisions are made.
4. Insurance: I acknowledge that the youth program has liability insurance covering participants during program activities. I also understand that I am encouraged to maintain personal health insurance coverage for my child.
5. Behavior Expectations: I agree to inform my child of the behavior expectations during transportation. I understand that disruptive or unsafe behavior may result in my child being prohibited from future transportation activities.
6. Acknowledgment of Risks: I acknowledge that transportation inherently carries certain risks, including the possibility of accidents or injuries. I agree that neither the youth program nor its staff or volunteers shall be held liable for any injury or accident that may occur during transportation