Safeguarding Policy
Parents/Guardians are responsible for their children for the duration of the workshop, including break times. All residential children must have an accompanying adult.
Parents/guardians of participants must attend the beginning of each lesson to ensure that the participant is suitably prepared and, where possible, stay for the duration of the class. If you need to leave to attend a sibling's class you must notify the teacher of your location.
To ensure that the privacy and consent of other participants can be respected, no recordings or images which include participants other than your own child may be shared on social media platforms, or in any other public way, without their parent/guardian's explicit consent.
No part of any class may be recorded without the express permission of the teacher leading that session.
When registering for the workshop, parents/carers understand that trainee teachers and registered observers may also attend sessions for training purposes.
The designated safeguarding lead for the National Suzuki Workshop 2025 is Nickie Chapman. All BSMA teachers and faculty have undergone safeguarding training prior to this event.