Welcome to the Croydon Ranges 2024 Summer senior / veterans summer soccer registration form. This form is for registration of all senior mens / ladies / veterans summer soccer training held @ Griff Hunt Reserve, Croydon North.
Summer soccer is training sessions only - no official competition. Summer soccer will be held on Tuesday & Thursday nights with session times TBC from October until early March.
There will be a Christmas break where no training is held - this is TBC.
Extreme weather policy:
Croydon Ranges follows standard Football Victoria guidelines for extreme weather. In summer, training may need to be cancelled at short notice depending on prevailing weather conditions. Please check social media and whatsapp groups for updates on this.
All participants participate at their own risk in training sessions. No injury insurance is provided. Croydon Ranges strongly recommends all participants have ambulance cover and/or approprpirate personal insurance for their circumstances.
Please fill all details as accurately as possible below. A $35 registaration fee is payable - this covers the entire summer training period and provides access to a pavillion with change facilities plus training equipment.
Enjoy 2024/25 summer soccer!