Application and Agreement
If you answered yes to any statements in medical history on this page, it is recommended you consult your Medical Practitioner or appropriate Allied Health Professional before engaging in exercise. You may be requested to provide a medical clearance before commending exercise. By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read & understood this waiver. I acknowledge that I have no injuries, physical restrictions, disabilities or any predispositions to sickness or injury, which may be aggravated or adversely affected as a result of my participation. I acknowledge & recognize that martial arts training (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Submission Grappling & Mixed Martial Arts – including children’s martial arts) may be a hazardous activity & therefore I train at my own risk & will not seek to penalize, prosecute or claim compensation from the organizers, sponsors, trainers or participants of the programs for any injury, loss or damages. The information in this form is strictly confidential & subject to laws & regulations contained in the Privacy Laws, enacted December 2001.