Educafe Survey
Please take one minute to complete this survey and feedback about your visit.
Have you attended Educafe before?
Yes, once
No, this is my first time
More than once
Which services have you used? (choose all that apply)
Community Cafe
Parents Village
Knit and Natter
Chatty Corner
Seated Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing
We would like to know how things have changed for your health and wellbeing as a result of attending our sessions
Educafe has helped to improve my mental health
Educafe helps me feel less lonely and isolated
I feel less anxious, unhappy and/or depressed, as a result of coming to Educafe
Educafe helps improve my confidence and self-esteem
I am much more active and take better care of myself as a result of coming to Educafe
We would like to know if there are any changes to how you feel about your community as a result of attending one or more of our weekly sessions
Educafe helps me feel more connected to my neighbourhood /community
Educafe helps me make new friends in the community
I know more people in the community, as a result of coming to Educafe
Educafe helps me feel safe living in my community
Educafe helps me feel supported by my community
Participants’ Satisfaction Survey
How satisfied are you by the service provided?
Do you enjoy the sessions?
Would you recommend us to others?
What do you like the most about the sessions you attend?
Please describe your experience in a few sentences
Are you happy for us to use/share these quotes?
Should be Empty: