Students, we have an exciting opportunity coming up next Saturday for you to optionally attend!
The Huntsville Chamber Music Guild will be presenting Voces8 in concert Saturday, Oct 19th at 2 pm in the sanctuary of Trinity United Methodist Church on Airport Road.
In addition, there will be a FREE Educational Encounter that same day, Saturday Oct 19, from 10:30am- 12pm, also to be held at Trinity Methodist Church. The Encounter will begin at 10:30 am with Q and A, followed by an open rehearsal until 12 pm. All students who attend the Educational Encounter will receive a FREE ticket to the evening's performance.
While this is not a requirment to attend, I highly encourage you to do so, as this grammy winning, professional octet is world renoun. Feel free to search the web and youtube for Voces8 to see what amazing things they have done.
Voces8 Website
Voces8 Youtube
By submitting this form, you are committing to attending this FREE Educational Encounter & Concert, based on the information above!