Thursday, May 1, 2025, 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Welcome to the 3rd annual ACA Golf Tournament. Last year was a success, and we look forward to doubling our number of registrants this year. Please read the following information prior to completing the registration form.
The tournament will be held at the English Turn Country Club in New Orleans.
You do not need to register for the Annual Clinical Assembly or be a member of AOCOO-HNS to play in the tournament. This means your team can include your friends and family members.
To register for the event, please provide the information below. Please note payment will be made upon completion of this form. You can pay for more than one member of your team. You can forward this link if you do not wish to pay for additional team members. The link can be accessed and completed by individuals who are NOT members/associated with AOCOO-HNS.
The tournament will use a scramble scoring format. A scramble means all team members tee off on each hole, decide which tee shot they like the best, and mark the spot with a tee or ball marker. The other team members pick up their balls and place them within one club length (no closer to the hole) of the marked spot.
We will have fun contests like "closest to the pin," "longest drive," and "straightest drive." We will have very nice prizes for the winners of the contests and the tournament winners. Additionally, we will publish the winning team in the SCOPE magazine.
Come out and play at the English Turn Country Club in New Orleans for just $260 per person. There will be a very nice reception after the tournament.