I, {yourName102}, hereby acknowledge that the information I've given above is complete and accurate. I understand all the risks and I accept all the responsibility for any undesired situations during our services. I am informed that my information in this form will be kept confidential.
Fit4You has informed me that I am the only responsible party both for all the injuries during the camps and incorrect information.
While every effort is made to have adequate supervision at all times during the camps/clubs/events, Fit4You, Tommy Mulhern, will not be legally liable for any claim. All parents/gaurdians must ensure that they are satisfied that the supervision and procedures in place are adequate before dropping their child/children off. Any queries should be brought to Tommy or any supervisor before leaving.
If any of my health, lifestyle or personal information/situation that may prevent my training is changed, I guarantee that I will inform Fit4You immediately.