United We Row Scholarship Form
Thank you for applying to the United We Row Scholarship. This scholarship helps athletes overcome financial barriers, unlock their athletic potential, and promote inclusion within the rowing community. Please fill out each section thoroughly, as the information provided will help us assess your eligibility for this scholarship. We encourage you to provide as much detail as possible about your circumstances, achievements, and goals, and to include supporting documents such as tax returns and financial statements. Recipients are subject to tax return requests. The more thoroughly you complete the application, the better we can understand your story and how this scholarship will help you grow as an athlete and make an impact on the sport of rowing.
Personal Information
Provide your basic contact details and rowing affiliations.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Rowing Club
Coaches Name (if applicable)
What is your gender?
Please Select
How old are you?
Please Select
23 years old
22 years old
21 years old
20 years old
19 years old
18 years old
17 years old
16 years old
15 years old
14 years old
13 years old
12 years old
11 years old
10 years old
What is your race/ethnicity?
Please Select
Prefer not to answer
Hispanic or Latino
Black or African American
Two or More Races
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Which Camp are you Applying to?
Please Select
U19 Summer Camp PDC
U19 Summer Camp (Selection, SDC, etc.)
U23 Summer Camp (Selection Camp, etc.)
Para Dev Camp
Other: (write in option)
Area of Study at University
Name of Camp
Please provide your Adjusted Gross Income from line 11 of your IRS Form 1040.
How many dependents (children, elderly, or others) rely on your household income?
Please include all individuals for whom you provide financial support.
Zip Code
Describe any financial barriers you face related to rowing (e.g., costs for travel, equipment, fees, etc).
100 words or fewer
2k Erg Score
Describe the resources and opportunities available to you for rowing (e.g., coaching, training facilities, equipment). Have there been any limitations or challenges in accessing these resources? How have these factors influenced your growth and potential in rowing?
100 words or fewer
In what ways does your involvement with your team contribute to the United We Row mission to make rowing more accessible and inclusive?
100 words or fewer
How would receiving this scholarship enable you to contribute to the sport of rowing and your community?
100 words or fewer
Please feel free to add docs to the form supporting your application (ex. Tax Returns, Financial Statements, etc).
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