Excellent art in public places has the capacity to add layers of meaning, content, commentary and humour to streets, parkland and other public places for the enjoyment of community members and visitors.
This project creates an “Outdoor Gallery” space.
Digital artworks and animations will be exhibited in the public domain to provide increased opportunities for community engagement with the Arts and grow our creative industries.
Tamworth has been known historically as the ‘City of Light’, due to the introduction of electric street lighting in 1888, (15 years before Sydney). Supporting this theme during 2023/2024 Tamworth Regional Council conducted a series of trial events that actuated the installation of permanent projectors in Fitzroy Street, Tamworth.
This is a CBD activation and urban renewal project featuring large scale animations on the ‘Stacks building’, 1 Fitzroy Street. This project funding was secured by Tamworth Regional Council through the NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry and Environment ‘Streets as Shared Spaces’ initiative and Council has now allocated ongoing funding to continue our Outdoor Gallery for two-year trail period.
The objectives of the Fitzroy Street Projections in Tamworth are designed to:
- connect public art to place – to our region and identity;
- express Tamworth’s image as a centre for quality and innovation;
- create engagement with public art that leads to community pride and increased cultural tourism;
- provide a focus for local narratives, history and storytelling;
- capture and engage new audiences who would not typically seek out the Arts; and
- provide learning, professional development and networking opportunities that will inspire local artists and support our creative economy
The content generated is in the public domain and as such should be family friendly and the artworks selected for projection must be suitable for viewing by the general public including children. The artworks should not be of a political nature, but can assist to communicate civic pride, community values and connectedness.
The content must be strictly non-commercial, it must not contain signage or advertising as part of content, however logos that recognise sponsorship and funding bodies will be accepted as part of the artwork credits. Artists may be requested to provide evidence of sponsorship to validate the use of a logo.
It is also recommended to avoid text, where at all possible, unless the text is part of the artwork. A separate information signage option based at the Fitzroy Street Plaza seating area with QR code for further information will be available for audiences if desired.
As part of the artwork development consider the length of the projection/ artwork and your audiences. There is optional sound display, and palm tree up lighting coordination that may be made available for artists after discussions with existing Council staff.