CCDennis Scholarship Program was established in 2020 to help needy students seeking higher education. The mission of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance to individuals enrolled or desiring to enroll in Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior, and or Senior High School. The Scholarship principally targets Kakata and Margibi County.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE is based on financial needs, location, academic performance, and participation in school and community volunteer activities.
SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS The CCDennis Center awards scholarships based on a comprehensive process and does not discriminate. However, Dennis scholarships are awarded to residents of Margibi County. Areas that are reviewed by the Board of Trustees include but are not limited to the following: Academic Desires, Accomplishments, Financial Needs, Location, References, and Personal Essay. Scholarship funds are paid directly to the school
· Applicants must be permanent residence in Margibi County and must be permanent residents of Liberia.
· Applicants must provide the full name of the school, contact number, and location of school.
· Parents or family member must provide the full name of applicants, a visible picture, contact number/s, and location of the applicants.
· Applicants’ verification assessment will be conducted for all applications.
· Applicants must demonstrate the need and desire for higher education, the willingness to complete either Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior, and or Senior High School, or have completed Kindergarten, Elementary, and Junior High School and is seeking to complete Senior High School successfully, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 / B average on a 4.0 scale.
· Applicants must complete and submit a Scholarship Application by August (NO EXCEPTIONS).
· Applicants must complete a maximum of 50-word essay pertaining to financial need and educational goals.