All Applications will be confidential.
Alabama residents who participate in the junior competitive tournament structure and who compete in the 18, 16, 14, 12 and Under age divisions may apply. Players must agree to participate in Alabama and Southern team events and Alabama tournaments.
Financial assistance is limited to junior players whose family income does not exceed $150,000 per year. We request you send page 1 of your family’s most recent federal income tax return, form 1040 or 1040A. We will not share or save the tax return.
Funding is limited to up to $750 per allocation and reviewed on a case by case basis. Consideration will be made for additional funding based on the number of children in the family playing tennis, the income of the family, the number of children in college and the number of tournaments entered due to ranking and the success of those tournaments. Acceptable costs include fuel, hotel and meals costs, and tournament entry fees.
Applicant is required to submit documentation of the cumulative expense in one report, and can be uploaded using the links below.
Documentation should include receipts, invoices, and proof of payments along with a written explanation of the expense item and its relation to a junior tournament.