Recall the body temperature data reported for healthy men and women, aged 18-40 years, who were volunteers in Shigella vaccine trials at the University of Maryland Center for Vaccine Development, Baltimore. For these adults, the mean body temperature was found to be 98.249 oF with a standard deviation of 0.733 oF.
In Investigation 2.5, we decided that these data provided convincing evidence that μ, the mean body tempreature of healhty adults in the U.S., differed from the previous benchmark of 98.6 degrees, with a 95% confidence interval of (98.12, 98.38) degrees.
Research Question: Based on these data, can we predict the temperate of a healthy adult in the U.S.?
Goals: In this lab, you will
- Explore the distinction bewteen a confidence interval and a prediction interval
- Learn how to calculate and interpret a prediction interval for a quantitative variable