Reduce Toxic Load - Easy Button
I would be thrilled to help you reduce your toxic load with a shopping account at The Wellness Company. The easiest way to share the easy button with you is on Zoom so I can share my screen. I'm in the process of updating my calendar scheduling software so at the moment, I'll just be reaching out to set up a 15 minute time slot that works for us both.
What is your name?
First Name
Last Name
What is the best number to text you at?
Please enter a valid phone number.
Most people prefer to have their Zoom link sent to their email. What is the best email for you?
In which areas of your life are you most interested in reducing toxic load? (choose all that apply)
Cleaning/Laundry products
Personal care (Haircare, skincare, body care, etc.)
Supplementation to supercharge the body's natural toxic elimination
Home or Personal Fragrance
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