Our student memberships allows full-time students in Grade 7 and above to buy tickets to all Theatre Royal 2025 Subscription Season shows at the heavily discounted price of $30. All full-time students in Grade 7 and above who are enrolled in secondary, pre-tertiary and tertiary education are eligible. Please complete form and submit to become a student member.
Please Note:
- Students under the age of 16 will need to be accompanied by a guardian purchasing their own ticket.
- Students age 16 and above may attend unaccompanied.
- Only one student ticket per show can be purchased and student tickets are not transferrable.
- Primary school students (children under the age of 12) are not eligible for student membership but are able to attend the theatre with their parents/guardians as a childs ticket, as part of a family ticket or at a concession price.
- Each member must have a unique email address - the same email address can not be used on multiple accounts.