Home-Start Feedback
Have you accessed any of Home-Start Knowsley services?
I have referred a service user.
I am an agency that has worked with Home-Start Knowsley
Which services have you accessed?
Volunteer Training
1-1 Support - Home-visiting / telephone support
Perinatal Support -1-1 or Bump and Baby/Baby Yoga/Baby Sensory/Mindful Mummies/Introducing solids Pregnancy to when baby is 2 years
SEN Support - Jigsaw Tots/Coffee mornings/Jigsaw Families/ Jigsaw Saturdays
Time 4 Me - Mindfulness sessions
Parent & Toddler Group
Counselling Service
Fuel Support
Skills 4 Life
SEND Drop Ins
What Now?
Triple P
Singing Mamas
How has Home-Start Knowsley helped you? I feel ....
Less isolated
Less anxious
More resilient
I can deal with problems better
I make healthier choices
I am more involved in my child(rens) development
I can manage my child(rens) behaviour
I feel less stressed
I have the confidence to access other services
I know where to go for financial support when needed
I feel more confident as a parent
I feel a sense of achievement
I can prioritise my household budget better
I have made friendships/support network
I engage with other services better
Is there anything extra you would like us to offer?
Any suggestions are welcome.
Is there anything you would like to tell us as a service user, volunteer or referrer?
Any feedback, comments, suggestions are welcome.
Where would you go to for support if Home-Start closed?
How would you rate Home-Start Knowsley?
1=Poor - 5=Excellent
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