Applicant Eligibility:
Must be 3 to 18-years-old
Must reside in one of ELC’s seven-county service area (Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor, and Wakulla)
Must provide two (2) examples of original work
All examples and final artwork must be created by child applicant
Guidelines for Chosen Artist and Their Artwork:
Event Artwork can be two- or three-dimensional and must be completely dry at time of submission to ELC Big Bend.
Maximum entry size is 24 inches by 36 inches, including matting (if applicable).
Each artist may submit one finished piece of artwork for the event.
Accepted Types of Art:
Drawing: Colored or graphite pencil, ink, pastel, or charcoal. Pastels and charcoal must be protected with a fixative spray.
Painting: Acrylic, watercolor, or oil
Printmaking: Block print, monoprint, collagraph, serigraph, lithograph, and other forms.
3D Media: Ceramics, sculpture (clay, metal, found objects, natural materials, etc.) or wearable art
Original Photography (5x7 or larger): Must be a student’s own work taken within the last year. It may be black and white or color.