ADHD Marketeer Discovery Call:
Please fill in the info below and I'll reach out to set up a time for a discovery call. I like to use Zoom so I can share my screen. Let me know in the comments if Zoom won't work for you and we will pivot. Thanks!
First Name
Last Name
What is the best email for me to send your Zoom link to?
Please enter your cell, if you'd like a text confirmation.
Please enter a valid phone number.
If you're here from LinkedIn, what is your LI profile URL?
(ie. mine is
Which of these appeal to you? (choose all that apply)
Repeat income month after month (Stability)
A Simple business structure that’s duplicatable (Opportunity)
An option to help others succeed as you do (Purpose)
Ability to offer people high quality items they use daily (Sustainability)
Team members who understand ADHD on a visceral level (Community)
A support team with over 30 years of experience (Education & Training)
How much time to you want to devote weekly to building a business?
Less than 5 hours
5-10 hours
10-20 hours
More than 20 hours
How much money would you like to make per month?
Up to $500
Over $2000
I will reach out to set up a time for our call. Do you tend to prefer daytime, evening, or weekends?
Thank you for reaching out. I'm looking forward to our call!
~Rebekah, The ADHD Marketeer
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