It is important to acknowledge the difference between the health care specialties of chiropractic, osteopathy and medicine. Chiropractic health care seeks to restore health through natural means without the use of medicine or surgery. This gives the body the maximum opportunity to utilize its inherent recuperative powers. The success of a chiropractic doctor's procedures often depends on environment, underling causes, physical and spinal conditions. It is important to understand what to expect from chiropractic health care services.
A doctor of chiropractic conducts a clinical analysis for the express purpose of determining whether there is evidence of Vertebral Subluxation Syndrome (VSS) or Vertebral Subluxation Complexes (VSC). When such VSS and VSC complexes are found, chiropractic adjustments and ancillary procedures may be given in an attempt to restore spinal integrity. It is the chiropractic premise that spinal alignment allows nerve transmission throughout the body and gives the body an opportunity to use its inherent recuperative powers. Due to complexities of nature, the doctor can’t promise you specific results. This depends upon the inherent recuperative powers of the body.
Although doctors of chiropractic are experts in chiropractic diagnosis, the VSS and VSC, they are not internal medical specialists. Every chiropractic patient should be mindful of his/her own symptoms and should secure our opinions if he/she has any concern as to the nature of his/her total condition. Your doctor of chiropractic may express an opinion as to whether or not you should take this step, but you are responsible for the final decision.
Informed Consent For Chiropractic Care
A patient, in coming to the doctor of chiropractic, gives the doctor permission and authority to care for the patient in accordance with the chiropractic tests, diagnosis and analysis. The chiropractic adjustment or other clinical procedures are usually beneficial and seldom cause any problem. In rare cases underlying physical defects, deformities or pathologies may render the patient susceptible to injury. The doctor, of course, will not give a chiropractic adjustment, or health care, if he/she is aware that such care may be contraindicated. Again, it is the responsibility of the patient to make it known or to learn through health care procedures whenever he/she is suffering from latent pathological defects, illnesses, or deformities which would otherwise not come to the attention of the doctor of chiropractic. The patient should look to the correct specialist for the proper diagnostic and clinical procedures. The doctor of chiropractic provides a specialized, non duplicating health service. The doctor of chiropractic is licensed in a special practice and is available to work with other types or providers in your health care regimen.
The purpose of chiropractic services is to promote natural health through the reduction of the VSS or VSC. Since there are so many variables, it is difficult to predict the time schedule or efficacy of the chiropractic procedures. Sometimes the response is phenomenal.
In most cases there is a more gradual, but quite satisfactory response. Occasionally, the results are less than expected. Two or more similar conditions may respond differently to the same chiropractic care. May medical failures find quick relief through chiropractic. In turn, we must admit that conditions which do not respond to chiropractic care may come under the control or be helped through medical science. The fact is the science of chiropractic and medicine may never be so exact as to provide definite answers to all problems. Both have made great strides in alleviating pain and controlling disease.
To The Patient
Please discuss any questions or problems with the doctor before signing this statement of policy.
I have read, and understand the foregoing.