Fill out the form carefully for the registrant(s). At the start of each academic year filled, and signed copy of this form must be turned in for any student (under 18) who participates in the program. This information, including medical, will only be shared with appropriate staff. I understand that for medical care if the designated parties are not available that St. Nicholas school authorities will be deemed appropriate to decide on emergency medical care.
Payments can be made by check or online.
The online payment portal can be found under our GIVE tab. Then chose either or paypal. Scroll to Greek school, fill in information and add the name(s) of the student(s) and Greek School tuition in the memo box.
Checks should be made payable to "St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church" in the memo please put the name(s) of the student(s) and Greek School tuition.
(*)If you have made a parish stewardship pledge for the current year (e.g 2024)