English Corner happens on Monday evenings at the BSU-Christian Challenge Building at 401 University Blvd NE. (located on the corner of University & Martin Luther King, enter the parking lot and building from Martin Luther King).
Conversation practice happens from 6-7pm. Students are matched one-on-one for conversation practice.
English Classes happen from 7-9pm. You are placed into a class based on speaking level.
You may attend both English Conversation practice and English class or you may attend only one of them.
New students may show up and register any Monday evening or may register in advance by completing the form below. Contact isiabq@isionline.org if you have more questions.
Questions marked with * are required.
We also have one-on-one tutoring available. Tutoring happens at a time and day convenient for both the student and teacher. Our tutors are limited so they are available on a first come first served basis. If you are interested in an English Tutor, watch for a registration email the 3rd week of the UNM semester.