Welcome to the Rocky Mountain 5K
We invite you to join us as one of our limited on-site vendors.
Vendor Applications:
Please submit your interest form by July 11. Applications are reviewed and approved on a first come first serve basis. All applicants are approved unless notified. You will receive additional details and load in instructions by July 25.
Event organizers reserve the right to reject any vendor application based on discretion to ensure alignment with the event's standards and objectives.
- A no commission collected, flat fee of $300 & required tax & insurance documents will be due by June 21st.
- If vendor exceeds the 10x10 space you will have to pay double the flat fee.
Trash Guidelines
Event Staff and Volunteers, are not allowed to assist any vendors with unloading or loading equipment, handling merchandise, or watching their booths.
- The trash cans on wheels are for guest trash only.
- Please do not load your prep trash into an event trash can. We recommend your own trolly or can on wheels for this task. The event Staff and volunteers will not take your prep trash for disposal.
- The KCSB Staff and volunteers will not take your prep trash for disposal.
- The dumpster locations are found on the site maps.
- All trash must be disposed of each night of multiple day events and at the final break down time. Please leave your spot as clean as you found it.
- Do not dispose of wastewater, cooking grease/oil, or food waste in the porta potties or the dumpsters. Your deposit will be withheld if you do.
Thank you so much for your cooperation!
Food and Beverage
- Food vendors MUST have a State Food Service License. Please submit a copy of your license with your application. El Paso County Health Department 719-578-3199.
- All concessionaires are required to file Colorado State, County and City taxes.
- All requirements outlined above in "General Information - All Vendors" are required for all Food and Beverage Vendors.
General Information
- No alcohol sales are permitted.
- All vendors are required to bring their own generators and fuel if needed, electricity is not provided. We recommend bringing multiple fuel cans for the duration of the day/event.
- Any and all items that are sold or distributed at the event MUST be approved in advance by our office. Our exclusive item vendors will be the only ones allowed to sell specific items for this event. Please apply early for exclusive vendor privileges.
- All vendors are required to file Colorado State, County and City taxes.
- All vendors must submit a certificate of insurance. Coverage to include comprehensive general liability with bodily injury and property damage limits of $1,000,000 each occurrence/$2,000,000 general aggregate. It is required that every policy list the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region, Colorado Springs Sports Corporation, City of Colorado Springs, and Southwest Downtown Business Improvement District as additionally insured. Insurance must be submitted with application
YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region
207 N. Nevada Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Colorado Springs Sports Corporation and their directors, officers, employees, officials, committee members, volunteers and agents, other participants, organizing and sponsoring agencies.
1631 Mesa Avenue, Suite E
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
City of Colorado Springs
30 S. Nevada Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Southwest Downtown Business Improvement District
111 S Tejon St.; Suite 222
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Park Union; CSJ No. 1, LLC; CSJ No. 7, LLC; Urban Properties No. 4, LLC
Thank you so much for your support and cooperation!