Please use this form to request all make up courts for USTA and WWTA league matches played out of Town of Apex (Community Park & Nature Park). The original match that you are making up must have been scheduled out of Apex.
We understand that you cannot always request all courts at the same time. Please try to request as many as possible in each form, thereby limiting the number of forms submitted. However, do not hold/wait too long to submit your request.
Your request will be handled by WWTA. Questions can be directed to your league coordinator - Carol for USTA and Michelle for WWTA
Only Apex captains should fill out this form. Players should provide their make up date requests directly to their captains for the captain to submit.
Note: Please do not submit this form until you have a set, confirmed match time/date. This will limit the number of times TOA has to change courts dates/times. Thank you.