基礎足球課程 Foundation Soccer Course 2024/25
利物浦國際足球學校(香港)基礎足球課程專為未曾接觸足球或剛剛學習足球的學員而設,想要小朋友身心得到全面發展,培養團隊精神。把握機會為小朋友報名!課程由利物浦英國設計,本校以'The Liverpool Way'為教學宗旨,希望學員在體格、技術、戰術、團隊合作等方面有所提升。
Foundation Soccer Course of Liverpool FC International Academy (Hong Kong) is designed for players who are interested in or never had been playing football. Parents are finding ways to help their children grown mentally and physically. Take the chance to apply for your children! Foundation Soccer Course of LFCIAHK is designed by UK. Play 'The Liverpool Way' is our Core Value. Besides of basic techniques, the program focuses more on the improvement of physical strengths, football techniques, tactical knowledge and also team spirit.
適合年齡 Age Group:
3-4yrs, 5-8yrs, 9-12yrs, 13-16yrs (必須年滿3歲 at least 3yrs old)
上課地點 Training Location:
銅鑼灣 . 京士柏 . 將軍澳 . 九龍灣 . 馬鞍山 . 天水圍 . 筲箕灣
Causeway Bay . Kings Park . Tseung Kwan O . Kowloon Bay . Ma On Shan . Tin Shui Wai . Shau Kei Wan
報名優惠 Enrollment Offer
報名參加 4堂或以上 即享 9折優惠*
Enroll for 4 lessons or above to enjoy 10% off* (Promotion Code: LFC10)
Quota is subject to availability.
Enrollment will be made on first-come-first-served basis.
查詢 Tel 2543 1807 Whatsapp 9610 8938