Hello Brothers!
Please use this form as a means to upload supporting documentation for your chapters Crown Pearl Goals. Specifically, this form can be used for the following goals:
Stirve for Five Goals:
- Highlight a service project your Chapter does!
- Participate in the Month of Musicianship
Growth Goals:
- Meet monthly with your DOB/Sponsor
- Fundraise 5% more!
- Host a band social!
- Intentionally interact with a Chapter outside your own
You can submit this form multiple times, as needed. If you need clarification, please reach out to VPME - Dr. Rorrer at nic@kkpsi.org, VPSA - Arupa Gopal-Campbell at arupa@kkpsi.org, or your Governors. Thank you for all the hard work and keep striving!
Your National Council
PS - We are working on the forms conditional formatting so please hold tight with us for the time being and click through all the questions.