Tell us About Your Business
Please provide all required details to list your business with us
Business Owner
First Name
Last Name
Business Name
Contact Number
Web Site
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Type of Business
Please Select
Others, please specify below.
How long has the business been in operation?
What is the legal structure of the business (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation)?
Are there any pending legal issues or disputes related to the business
Can you provide financial statements for the past three years (Profits & Loss statement)?
Are there any outstanding debts or liabilities?
Are there any significant expenses or financial obligations that the buyer should be aware of?
Can you describe the day-to-day operations of the business?
What is the size of the workforce and their roles?
Are there any key employees or management personnel?
Are there any existing contracts or agreements that the buyer needs to be aware of?
What assets are included in the sale (e.g., equipment, inventory, intellectual property)?
Can you provide a detailed list of inventory and its value?
Total Sqaure footage:
Are there any leased or rented assets? If so, what are the terms of the leases?
Who are the primary customers or clients of the business?
Why is the owner selling the business?
Are there any restrictions or conditions related to the sale?
Are there any environmental or zoning issues that could affect the sale?
Is there any other information or documentation that would be helpful for potential buyers to review?
Are there any unique selling points or advantages of the business that should be highlighted?
2021 Gross Income
2021 Cost of Good
2021 Expenses
2022 Gross Income
2022 Cost of Good
2022 Expenses
2023 Gross Income
2023 Cost of Good
2023 Expenses
Profits & Loss Upload
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