The Virginia Chess Federation (VCF) thanks you for your interest and participation in our tournaments! Registering and paying in advance saves your time and that of our organizers. "Thank you!" All players in good standing with US Chess are welcome to participate in our chess tournaments.
TO REGISTER: Fill out the form below and submit payment using the secure PayPal payment website. You can either use your Credit Card or your PayPal account. Required information is indicated with a red asterisk (*). Registration is complete and your information is submitted to tournament organizers as soon as your PayPal payment is processed.
Registration is $130 online through Saturday, Dec 28th.
Registration increased to $160 on Sunday, Dec 29th. Then increases to $180 on Thursday Jan 2nd and on-site. On-Site Registration (at the hotel) will be open 4-6:45 PM Friday evening and then from 7:30-9:15AM on Saturday morning (for anyone who wants to enter before Round 2).
For all secions, one 1/2-point Bye is allowed in any round of the tournament, including Round 5. All half-point byes must be declared 30 min before the start of Round 2.
RE-ENTRY is available after Round 1 for $45, which re-enters you into the tournament with 1/2 point for Round 1. Re-entering players may not take any 1/2-point byes.
The VA Chess Federtaion will provide sets, boards, and clocks ... but you may bring and use your own.
The CHAMPIONSHIP and AMATEUR SECTIONS are US Chess and FIDE rated, the Novice Section is US Chess Rated. All Players must be members of the U.S. Chess Federation to play. US Chess membership can be purchased with cash or check on-site, or through the VA Chess or US Chess websites. Virginia Residents are required to have current VCF Memberships. These also are available on site. State Memberships for NC, WV, MD, DE, DC, PA, NY, NJ, CT, MA, SC and other states will be honored.