Meyer Devices Bug Report Form
Thank you for your help in making my devices the best they can be!Before you submit a report, please first download the latest version of the device. You can do this by logging into your account at, clicking the order under which you downloaded the device, and clicking the Download button.I will respond to all bug reports by email. Sometimes it might take me a few days. I appreciate your help!
First Name
Last Name
Which device(s) does this report relate to?
What version of Live are you using?
To check, go to Live > About Live
Please describe the problem
Please format your answer like this: What you were doing when the issue happened. What you expected to happen. What actually happened.
If you have screengrabs or a short screen capture video that shows this issue, please include it.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
To take screen capture images or videos on a Mac use Shift + CMD + 5.
What are the steps to reproduce this problem?
Please be as specific as you can! Having specific steps to reproduce is very helpful.
Thank you!
Thanks very much for reporting the issue. It helps me and the rest of the community. I will be in touch with you soon.
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