The EJE course meets online year-round and is divided into 3 trimesters of 44 ninety-minute sessions. Interested participants may register for the Winter/Spring 2025 trimester which meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:45 to 8:15 for 18 ninety-minute sessions starting January 29, 2025, until June 4, 2025. Occasional in-person supplementary programs such as a Passover Seder are free to participants in the Albuquerque and Santa Fe areas.
Enrollment Period: December 15, 2024 to February 12, 2025.
Link to EJE 2025 Schedule: LINK
Questions: email to or call 206 739-9924.
Download a PDF copy of the application HERE
Tuition: $36 online enrollment for Winter/Spring Course. You may register for a concurrent in-person option that meets at UU Santa Fe for only $18. Full-year online tuition for 44 sessions: $100
All sessions are recorded for later viewing.
Tuition does not include texts or books assigned by the teachers. Because of the discounted tuition, we are unable to provide a refund if you cannot attend on a regular basis. Please contact the lead teacher, Rabbi Dov Gartenberg for any questions at 206 739-9924 or visit
I wish to enroll in the Exploring the Jewish Experience Course. I commit to regularly attending sessions either in-person or virtually.
Payment by Check:
Please make your check payable to Shabbat with Friends NM.
Please write in the memo, "EJE Course Tuition"
You may send tuition payment by check to this address
Shabbat with Friends NM
6001 Menaul Blvd. NE, PMB 1233Albuquerque, NM 87110
You will receive an information packet from SWF within a week of submitting your application. Rabbi Gartenberg or an EJE volunteer will also contact you to welcome you to the course and to give you a short orientation. We are excited to have you join the EJE Course. For questions, contact Rabbi Dov Gartenberg whose contacts are listed below.
The tuition for the EJE Course is discounted thanks to a generous grant from the National Center to Encourage Judaism (NCEJ) and from local supporters of Shabbat with Friends. Shabbat with Friends welcomes donations toward the EJE to sustain the parts of the program not covered by the grant (, teacher honoraria, etc.) Go to to donate.
Shabbat with Friends New Mexico (SWF)
Rabbi Dov Gartenberg
6001 Menaul Blvd. NE, PMB 1233; Albuquerque, NM 87110
Please click one of the PayPal options to complete payment and submit the form.