(All pets will be fed Science Diet dry food, unless special arrangements made.)
For Your Pet’s Health:
Vaccination Policy: To ensure the protection of all pets under our care, the following must be current:
Dogs: Rabies, Dappv+L4, and Bordetella
Cats: Rabies and HCPCH/Felv
*If vaccines are not current, or if unable to provide proof of vaccination status, authorization is hereby given to update your pet’s vaccine status in accordance with the above policy.
**External Parasites: If any external parasites (i.e. fleas/ticks) are observed on your pet, he/she will receive an appropriate treatment at the owners’ expense.
Emergency medical illness policy:
One of the advantages of boarding your pet at a veterinary clinic or hospital is that veterinary attention is readily available should the need arise. If your pet becomes ill, we will call the emergency numbers listed above regarding your pet’s symptoms, treatment options, and estimate of treatment costs. If no one can be reached, the doctor will evaluate your pet and perform those procedures that are deemed necessary.
Boarding Rates per night:
Dogs: $21.00 Cats: $18.50 With Treatments: $25.00 Day Board: $10.30
Holiday Boarding Rates per night:
Dogs: $24.00 Cats: $22.00 With Treatments: $29.00 Day Board: $10.30
If your dog shows signs of aggression or anxiety while boarding, Highland Veterinary Clinic doctors are authorized to administer appropriate anti anxiety medication to your animals while they are boarding at the owners expense.
I have read and understand this agreement. I fully intend to pick up my pet(s) at the above specified date and time. If circumstances change, I will notify Highland Veterinary Clinic of a pick-up date and time.