Opting in
The requirements for whānau to participate in Pay Parity are:
1. Your TKR must be using Smartly Payroll, if you are not, you will be required to transition to Smartly. Your Kaiwhakarite a-rohe will assist with this process.
- Kōhanga Reo Chairperson/Treasurer etc. will continue to authorise kaimahi pay.
- Your kaimahi must be Police vetted to be paid, it is required by LAW.
2. Your kaimahi must be Police vetted to be paid, it is required by LAW.
- Children’s Act 2014
The regulations require all paid people who work with children for government-funded organisations to be safety checked, and to have these safety checks updated every three years. This also applies to unpaid people working with children as part of an educational or vocational training course.
3. Your kaimahi must either complete:
- A variation of the employment agreement if their employment is rolling over, or
- A new employment agreement (this will change their leave anniversary date).
Note: Templates are available within the resources on the website. Click here to open the website.
4. Whānau contribution to Pay Parity:
- 65% is the "fixed" contribution deducted from Kaupapa Funding and covers a portion of kaimahi salaries that fit within the Full Time Equivilent (FTE) calculation.
- It’s paid into a Centralised Payroll System (CPS) linked to Smartly.
- FTE calculation is based on mokopuna numbers, funding rates and mokopuna/kaimahi ratios. It's calculated on 3 specific dates each year.
5. “Variable” portion:
- Currently set at 5% and deducted from Kaupapa Funding
- Paid into CPS.
- Whānau can choose to increase their variable portion.
- If whānau exceed their variable portion, the overspend amount will now be deducted in full from the next Kaupapa Funding round.
Variable portion covers such costs as:
- Casual kaimahi.
- Topping up kaimahi pay levels.
- Employer KiwiSaver contribution.
- Kaimahi that exceed FTE allocation.
Note: TKR that opt into Pay Parity cannot opt out until the next funding round.