Juntos Seguimos Avanzando Scholarship
Empowering Students, Advancing Together
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a high school senior attending South Gate High School. (This scholarship is open to undocumented students/daca recipients.)
- No GPA requirement
- Must plan on attending a technical school, a 2-year, or 4-year college in the Fall of 2025.
- Must submit proof of college acceptance. (Acceptable submissions: Photo of acceptance email/letter, or a screenshot of your school portal displaying your acceptance. You are able to submit your application without the acceptance letters if you have NOT yet received notice from the colleges. Please email acceptance letter/s to VNAScholarship@gmail.com. Applicants who fail to submit any proof of acceptance by the deadline will be marked as incomplete.
- DEADLINE Must submit an application by Sunday, May 4th at 11:59 PM to be considered.
Winner will be announced week of May 11
Essay Questions (We recommend copying the essay questions and working on them before completing the application):
- What are your career goals? What motivates you to pursue higher education, and how do you plan to use your knowledge and skills to make a difference in the world? If you are still unsure of your career goals, what change do you wish to see in your community? (500 words)
- Please explain how being awarded this scholarship would positively impact your academic and personal pursuits, and how the financial support provided will contribute to your overall educational journey and future goals. (500 words)
- OPTIONAL: Feel free to add other supportive information. (Will NOT count against you if you do not respond) (no word count)
*Please note that your application will be considered "incomplete" until ALL responses and supporting documentation are complete and provided.
For questions please email Vianney Navarro at: VNAScholarship@gmail.com
All information collected will be kept confidential by the 'Juntos Seguimos Avanzando' Scholarship. Data will only be used for reporting and evaluation purposes of the program.