Events Short Survey
Thank you for participating in this survey! Your feedback will help us improve and shape future events at Panorama Hills Residents Association (PHRA). Please take 2 minutes to share your thoughts.
1. How satisfied are you with the quality and variety of events offered by PHRA?
Please explain why
2. Which type of events do you and your family enjoy the most? (Select all that apply)
Family-oriented events (e.g., Movie in the Park, Dinner in the Park, Kite Festival, Jane’s Walk)
Children's events (e.g., Magic Show, Bubble show, DancePl3y)
Youth events (e.g., Summer Youth Festival)
Adult-only events (e.g., Fitness, Pub in the Park)
Senior-focused activities (e.g., Fitness for Seniors, Calligraphy Workshop)
3. What factors prevent you from attending more events? (Select all that apply)
Timing of events does not fit my schedule
Lack of interest in the activities offered
Lack of information about upcoming events
Child-care was unavailable
Other (please specify)
Should be Empty: