Cat's Cradle of Greater Richmond
Adoption Application
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number (Mobile)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Zip Code
Name of cat(s) you are interested in
Where did you see the cat?
Example: PetSmart, online, at an adoption event, or Facebook
Why do you want to adopt a cat?
Do you own or rent?
Are you allowed to have pets?
If you rent, have you discussed a new pet with your landlord?
If you rent, is a pet deposit required and if so, how much is it?
If you rent, who is your landlord? Name and Phone Number:
How many people live with you? Please specify the number of adults and children, and provide ages. Include yourself.
Do the people you live with know you plan to adopt a cat?
Are you employed?
Work From Home
Name of Employer, if applicable
Are you enlisted in the military?
Yes, active
Yes, reserves
What qualities do you want in a cat?
How many hours of the day will the pet be home alone?
If you have to leave town, who will care for your pet?
How will you deal with behavioral issues such as repetitive meowing, chewing, destructive behavior, bathroom accidents indoors, or unruly/shy behavior in your pet?
Do you own any other pets? If yes, how many?
List all pets with name, type (cat, dog), breed, sex, age, spayed/neutered.
i.e., Sampson, black cat, 2 years old, neutered and Charlie, dog, hound, 5 years old, neutered
If you have cats currently, did you have any of them declawed?
What is your pet's disposition and behavior towards cats?
Do your cats ever have access to the outdoors?
Will your new cat have access to the outdoors?
Do you have a fenced in yard?
What pets have you had in the past, and where are they now?
If you or anyone in your household develops allergies in the future, what would you do?
What is the name of your past or current veterinary practice?
Clinic's Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please provide three references including name and phone number.
Have you ever been convicted of an animal related crime, such as animal cruelty, animal theft, and or animal abandonment? (If yes please explain in detail)
By clicking the submit button, I agree to the following:
I verify all of the above information is true and accurate. I agree to an in-person interview and homecheck at the discretion of Cat's Cradle of Greater Richmond. I understand Cat's Cradle of Greater Richmond may check all my references. I understand there is a donation associated with adoption of a pet from Cat's Cradle of Greater Richmond and that it is tax deductible according to IRS 501(c)3 guidelines. I understand this donation will ensure the organization is equipped to rescue another homeless pet and therefore, adoption donations and deposits are non refundable. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Cat's Cradle of Greater Richmond against any losses, lawsuits, claims, injury, damages incurred by me or to any persons or property by my adopted pet, once adoption has been completed. I understand that Cat's Cradle of Greater Richmond will disclose any of the pet's health or behavior issues known before adoption is completed. I understand that if I no longer want my pet, or am no longer able to care for my adopted pet at any time, I will surrender my pet back to Cat's Cradle of Greater Richmond and provide transport to an appropriate location.
Signature of Potential Pet Parent
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