I agree to uphold the following Anti-Racism agreements as an attendee of the 2025 AATE Conference:
1) Welcome everyone to show up as they are. Bring to our rooms what we know, believe, and practice. The more unique, the better.
2) Stories stay, and understandings are shared outside of this space.
3) Assume goodwill, but remember that intent does not equal impact. We hold ourselves accountable for how words and actions are received.
4) Listen to learn. We aim to remain nimble and open to processing new points of view, news, and any other contextual changes.
5) Acknowledge that equity and privilege is about power. Recognizing our own power and privilege provides us the opportunity to uplift other marginalized voices, though only as they define them.
6) Anti-racism is at the core of our work. In this space, we confront inequities.