Deming Public Schools Online School Application
The Deming Public Schools Online School is now open to all students in grades 8-12. Students must apply to be considered for enrollment in the school. A specific set of criteria has been established that includes past attendance, demonstrated success in online learning and other indicators that parents should review with the Deming Public Schools Online School Administration to ensure this is the best option for their child. If you are interested in having your child attend the DPS Online School, please complete the application below. Please understand that completion of this application does not guarantee a spot in the school.
1. Student Name
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
2. Student ID Number
(If new to Deming Public Schools, please enter the word "New" as Student ID)
3. Birth Date
4. Home Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Parent Name
First Name
Last Name
5. Parent/Legal Guardian E-Mail
6. Parent/Legal Guardian Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
7. Student E-Mail
8. Student Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
9. Are you currently enrolled with Deming Public Schools (DPS)?
10. If you answered "No" to question #9, please list the name of the school you are currently attending, please include school address.
11. Grade Level for 24-25 School Year
12. Are there any specialized services that your child requires (IEP, 504, etc.)?
13. If you answered "Yes" to question #12, please explain.
Please check the following indicating you understand and will support the online learning expectations for your child.
Please check the following indicating you understand and will support the online learning expectations for your child
I understand attendance is mandatory and will be taken everyday for each class period. My child will spend 30 minutes minimum on each online course to be counted present.
My child will devote 5-7 hours each school day with productive time on task.
My child will review the course expectations and assignments daily.
My child will ask for help when needed.
My child will practice good digital citizenship, and not share any pictures or virtual meetings on social media.
My child will follow the class rules for online and in person behavior.
My child will keep technology and supplies safe from damage.
Please check the following indicating you understand and will support the parent/legal guardian online school learning expectations
I will provide a dedicated work space for my child. I will ensure my child has access to a computer that is connected to the internet and has a backup plan if something happens to their computer and/or internet.
I will review my child's attendance log and progress report regularly through the Parent Portal (Infinite Campus).
I will not share pictures, virtual meetings, or any recordings on social media
I will monitor my child's online behavior and encourage good digital citizenship.
I will maintain email communication with my child's online teachers and staff.
I understand that completion of this application does not guarantee a spot in the school and a wait list system is used to place students when applications exceed vacancies.
Parent Signature
Student Signature
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