Love to Move
Funded course application form
First Name
Last Name
Company/Club/Local Authority
Where do you plan to host your Love to Move sessions once you have passed your assessment? Please give as much detail as possible (Venue, times, days, target group, who you are working in partnership with etc)
Please tell us about how you have investigated the local need for Love to Move classes within your area? (Is there anything in the area like this already?) Please give details:
Please confirm which course you are interested in a place for:
Course 1- 3rd Feb, 4th Feb, 10th Feb and 11th Feb 9-12.30pm
Course 2- 17th March, 18th March, 24th March & 25th March 9-12.30pm.
Funding for the course will be prioritised for those that can commit to the following. Please tick that you agree to uphold the following:
I have a plan in place to complete the training and assessment
I have a plan in place for sustainable delivery of Love to Move sessions
I will keep Scottish Gymnastics up to date with progress
I agree to report back to Scottish Gymnastics on participant numbers
Should be Empty: