Name | Nombre
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number | Teléfono
Please enter a valid phone number.
Address | Dirección (opcional)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Are you attending a Church?
Name of the Church
Blessings From Heaven Foundation has two Head Quarters. Depending on your location, which one would be more convenient for you
South Florida (Broward, West Palm Beach, Miami Dade area)
Tampa area
Ministries or Volunteer Opportunities:
Prison Ministry / Ministerio en prisiones
Orphan Ministry / Ministerio en hogares de huérfano
Homeless Ministry / Ministerio en refugios de personas sin hogar
Education Ministry Chaplaincy / Ministerio en Educación de Capellanes
Logistic Ministry / Ministerio en Logística
Prayer Ministry / Ministerio en Oración
Addiction Ministry / Ministerio en refugio de Adictos
Counseling Ministry / Ministerio en Consejería
Volunteer in Disaster Relief (Hurricanes, Floods, etc.) / Voluntario en Alivio de Desastres (Huracanes, inundaciones, etc)
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