DAAPX is back and we want to hear from YOU!
The DAAP Alumni Council is looking for dynamic, TEDtalk-style presentations that tell a story about a project that impacts the human experience. Alumni from all backgrounds, majors, degrees and career stages are encouraged to submit a proposal. Public art installation? Product design? Environmental graphics? Community Development? We want ’em all!
Presentation Title
Proposals require a clear and concise title. Your title should capture in 10 words or less the topic that will be covered.
Proposal Description
Provide a description of your proposal that supports the title and is as persuasive, enticing and concise as possible (200 words or less). If your proposal is selected, this is what will be used on marketing materials and on the website.
What inspired you to submit a proposal?
Provide a brief explanation for what inspired you to submit a DAAPx proposal (100 words or less).
Primary Speaker
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Link to Website/Social Media Profile
Grad Year
Tell us about yourself in 150 words or less.
4. Additional Speakers
Please list the names of any additional speakers, including whether they are alumni or not.
If you have additional comments or information you’d like the DAAP Alumni Council to know, please include it here. (200 words or less)
This year, we will offer ONLY an IN-PERSON presentation option at DAAP. If selected to present, can you commit to being on campus on Wednesday, April 30th for the event?
Yes, I can attend in-person!
No, I am unable to attend in-person.
Maybe, I’d like to talk through this more.
Browse Files
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Not required, but feel free to share if desired.
Supportive Proposal Materials & Attachments
Browse Files
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Choose a file
Not required, but feel free to upload any supporting images or documents.
Thank you for taking the time to submit this form!
Go Bearcats!
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