We have a block of rooms set-aside at the Valhalla Hotel & Conference Centre, and the Hampton Garden Inn.
Valhalla Hotel & Conference Center | 807-577-1121
Block details: Neeganii-Iishawin Gathering - 1229816
Book Online
Hampton Garden Inn | 1-807-577-5000
Block Details | NI Gathering
Book Online
All guests are responsible for the cost of their own accomodations and travel to and from the venue, but First Nations Community Member delegates eligible for sponsorship will be entitled to travel & accomodation reimbursement up to $1,200.00.
Please inquire with get@ingaged.ca if you are a representing a member community of the WCDC, Matawa, Shibogama, IFNA, or Keewaytinook Okimakinak.