You may pay by credit card (AmEx, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover). Full payment is due to reserve space. You may change sessions up until 14 days before your scheduled session and may cancel up to 4 weeks before session start date without penalty. If you cancel within three weeks of your first session date you will be refunded 75% of payment or receive credit for a future session. If cancellation is made two weeks prior to camp, 50% of payment will be refunded. No refund is given for cancellations made one week prior to first session date. Curriculum and camp schedules are subject to change.
By submitting this application, I authorize that the previously entered information is correct and wish to enroll my child in one of the Summer 2025 Camp Flix sessions in Atlanta, GA. I have read and understand the program offerings, tuition, options, conduct, and cancellation policies of Camp Flix and agree to all of the aforementioned terms.