First Name
Last Name
What is the name of your organisation?
Where does your outlet (or organisation if there in one site only) operate in Victoria?
Metro Melbourne
Ovens Murray
Central Highlands
Loddon Campaspe Mallee
Wimmera Southern Mallee
Great South Coast
Where is the location where you want The Centre to deliver the training? Please insert name of local area and postcode.
What aged care service/s does your outlet (or organisation if there is one site only) provide? You can choose more than one option.
Home Care
Residential Care
Commonwealth Home Support Programme
If you chose other please specify.
Please tell us what issues relating to culturally appropriate care you want The Centre to provide training on? (e.g. list some of the issues you are experiencing)
How many staff works in your outlet?
How many staff will participate in The Centre's training?
What position or roles is the audience you wish us to train (e.g. nurses, personal care workers, case managers)
What diversity groups does your outlet (or organisation if one site only) service? You can choose more than one option.
People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse background
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
People who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless
People who live in Rural, Remote or Very Remote areas
People with Mental Health Problems and Mental Illness
People living with cognitive impairment including dementia
People with disability
Parents separated from their children by forced adoption or removal
Care Leavers
Socio or economic disadvantage
How many seniors does your outlet provide care for?
Which cultural and language backgrounds do your clients come from who access your services? You can choose more than one option.
Seniors from Central and Northern European backgrounds
Seniors from Western and Southern Europeanbackgrounds
Seniors from Eastern European backgrounds
Seniors from Middle Eastern and West Asian backgrounds
Seniors from South and South-East Asian backgrounds
Seniors from Central and Eastern Asian backgrounds
Seniors from Pacific Islander and NZ backgrounds
Seniors from Northern African backgrounds
Seniors from Southern African backgrounds
Seniors from Western Africanbackgrounds
Seniors from East African backgrounds
Seniors from Central American backgrounds
Seniors from South American backgrounds
What is the approximate number of clients from CALD backgrounds you care for at your outlet/site?
Would you be open to have this session delivered online?
Do you have a training room available? (face-to-face training only)
How many people fit in the training room?
Will The Centre have access to audio-visual IT equipment for presenting purposes?
Please share with us any other considerations that are relevant for the training.
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