>I certify that I have insurance coverage with the primary insurance company, if applicable; and the secondary insurance payer, if applicable, listed above. I assign directly to "Cornerstone" Psychiatric Services, Inc. (including David Donahue, D.O., David Fawks, APRN, Kristoffer Guerrero, APRN, Lenice Haber, LCSW, Nancy Stetter-Coblentz, LCSW or any clinician with the Cornerstone group), all insurance payments, if any, otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand I am financially responsible for deductible, co-payments, co-insurance amounts, non-covered charges, and any and all balances not covered under a contractual agreement between "Cornerstone" and my insurance or other third party payer. I authorize the use of my signature for all insurance submissions. I request that payment of authorized Medicare benefits and, if applicable, Medigap benefits, be made on my behalf to "Cornerstone" for any services furnished to me by that provider.
>If Self Pay, I understand it is my responsibility to pay for services rendered at time of visit. understand and agree that "Cornerstone" may use my health care information to the above named insurance payer(s) and their agents for the purpose of obtaining payment for services and determining insurance benefits or the benefits payable for related services. I understand that if an authorization is needed from my insurance plan, it is my responsibility to obtain such authorization and provide this to "Cornerstone".