Foothills Food Hub (FFH) Kitchen Rental Application
Please read and understand the FFH User Agreements & FFH Kitchen Policies (below) before submitting this application. Questions regarding the Policies and Agreement? Email
FFH Kitchen User Agreements
Kitchen users will arrive to the kitchen only at their scheduled time block and will vacate the kitchen at the end of their scheduled time block after following exit procedures.
Kitchen users will enter FFH through the warehouse using the gray side door titled “Foothills Food Hub Entrance”.
Kitchen users will not enter the Main Warehouse for any other reason.
Upon arrival, Kitchen Users will sign in and confirm the condition of the kitchen using Sign in Sheet located in the FFH Kitchen binder.
Users agrees to Sign Out and complete an Exit Checklist before departure.
Kitchen Users will ensure kitchen cleanliness to avoid food-borne illnesses and to keep the food preparation environment a pleasant place to work.
Users will not prop the outside door open for any reason except loading and unloading their vehicles, without prior approval.
Kitchen reservations allow users to access the commercial kitchen and attached classroom, the Auxiliary Room behind the kitchen, and the mop pit. Users are also permitted to access the restrooms located in the Foothills Food Hub hallway.
The kitchen is equipped with a two-compartment food preparation sink, a three-compartment dishwashing sink, and two handwashing sinks. Each sink will be used solely for their designated purpose. The two-compartment prep sink is only for washing fresh produce and meats and will be clean and sanitized thoroughly in-between uses. The 3-compartment sink will be used for washing dishes only.
Dish washing protocols will be followed in accordance with food safety regulations, including a wash, rinse and sanitization practice. The kitchen will be equipped with the cleaning agents necessary to execute proper dish washing, and the cost will be included in the rental fee for users. Drying racks are located next to the 3-compartment dish sink.
Kitchen users will clean all dishes, utensils and equipment used in accordance with food safety regulations. Dishwashing must be done with warm water, dish soap, and a clean sponge, brush, or rag designated for dishwashing. Washed and sanitized items will be placed to dry on the drying rack located next to the 3-compartment sink. Users will return all items, cleaned and dried, to where they belong. Drying rags will be used for drying clean equipment and dishes only, will be used minimally, and will be placed in bin labeled “used drying rags” after use.
FFH Kitchen Use Policies
Users will follow guidelines for food safety and kitchen sanitation to avoid food-borne illnesses and to make the food preparation environment a pleasant place to work.
Surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized before and after use.
The microwave will be wiped down inside and outside after use.
All Spills will be cleaned immediately, including in the fridge and oven.
All utensils and items used will be cleaned after use.
All kitchen items will be returned to the designated space after use.
Prepared food will not be left in the kitchen refrigerator without proper approval and labeling.
Refrigerators will be cleared and cleaned once per week.
Floors will be swept after use. Mopping will occur weekly by LFAC staff.
Kitchen Users will mop floors after use if necessary.
Kitchen users will dispose of all trash into lined trash cans before leaving. LFAC staff will empty trash cans daily.
Users will make sure all appliances are turned off before leaving. Users will ensure cleanliness of kitchen before leaving; turn all lights off in kitchen. Kitchen Users will not enter the church.
Users can request 24-HR cold storage in the commercial refrigerator or freezer in the Auxillary Room behind kitchen. Prior approval is required to utilize 24-HR cold storage. Users must label these items with Name/Business, Date, & Contents
The staff at Foothills Food Hub has the right to change the rules and guidelines
If you are using the kitchen to prepare products to sell you must use the commercial stove.
Users will sanitize the Food Preparation Sink and Dish Sinks after use.
Users renting the kitchen will adhere to a Kitchen Rental Agreement.
Kitchen Users will practice good hygienic practices including proper eating, tasting, drinking, or tobacco use that does not come in contact with prepared foods. Users will not work in kitchen if discharge from eyes, nose, and mouth are present. Hands will be clean and properly washed before handling foods, after using the restrooms, and between foods that should not cross-contaminate.
There will be no bare hand contact with any Ready To Eat foods, and food handlers should use gloves and/utensils to handle any food that is Ready to Eat.
Foods will be separated and protected from cross-contamination (Ex. Vegetables separated and protected from raw meat)
Food-Contact surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized before and after use
Kitchen Users preparing food will adhere to proper cooking time and temperatures
Dishwashing supplies will be stored under the three-compartment sink (detergent, sponges, dish gloves, water testing strips, etc.)
Cleaning agents will be properly labeled and stored in either the mop closet or underneath the food preparation sink.
All food will be properly labeled with the name of the food, the name of the source or owner of the food, and an expiration date.
Kitchen Users will take steps to prevent food contamination during food preparation and storage including personal cleanliness; properly using wiping cloths; washing fruits and vegetables, properly storing utensils while they are in use; using gloves properly.
The FFH Kitchen Rental is available by four-hour time blocks and the fee is $40.00 per time block.
Have you read the FFH Kitchen User Agreements and Policies?
Please Select
Yes, I have read the agreements and policies
By submitting an application, you agree to abide by these agreements and policies.
FFH Kitchen User Information
Please provide information about yourself below
First Name
Last Name
Please type "Individual" if you are not using the kitchen for a business or organization.
Please check all that apply to you and your request for using the FFH Kitchen:
Individual using kitchen for personal non-business purposes
User is a Grower/Farmer
Kitchen Use is part of a business venture
Educational purposes (Teaching, Workshops, Classes, etc.)
Food Processing & Value Added Production (Prepared foods, preservation, etc.)
Not for profit
Products will be sold
Primary Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Secondary Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Kitchen Use Details
Please give us more information about how you will use the FFH Kitchen
Intended use of the FFH Kitchen
Please be as detailed as possible. Include intended outcomes of Kitchen Use such as: food that will be processed, products that will be made, activities or events that will occur. FFH Kitchen Application processing will be delayed if more information is needed.
One Time Use or Recurring Use?
Please Select
One Time Use
Recurring Use
To be determined
Choose One Time use if you are applying to rent the kitchen for a specific One-Time event. Applications can be edited in the future if you decide to rent for recurring use.
Do you intend to make products that will be sold?
Yes, for sale
Not for sale
If yes, how and where will your products be sold? If no, how will the products be used/consumed?
Ex. direct to consumer, direct to retail, wholesale, etc.
How many Kitchen Users during your reservation?
One kitchen User
Multiple kitchen Users
If more than one Kitchen User (yourself), please provide details and names below:
If the intended Kitchen use is for a class or workshop without a confirmed attendance roster, please indicate how many people you anticipate attending or how many spaces will be made available.
Do you have any food safety training?
Please list trainings or certifications or relevant experience
Do you have kitchen experience?
Please describe briefly (i.e. home cook, commercial kitchens, trained chef, etc)
Are you requesting 24-HR Cold Storage after your reservation?
Please Select
Yes, 24-HR Cold Storage requested
No 24-HR Cold Storage
Approval for 24-HR Cold Storage will be confirmed prior to Kitchen Reservation. See FFH Kitchen Policies for more information about 24-HR Cold Storage.
Which dates or days of the week are you interested in using the kitchen?
Please indicate if there are specific dates you would like for an event, or if there is an estimated start date for recurring use.
Do you agree to sign a FFH User Agreement upon reserving a time block for rental?
Please Select
Yes, I will sign a FFH User Agreement
First Name
Last Name
Date Signed
Date Picker Icon
Should be Empty: