If you are accepted, you will be sent a link to pay the $100 Application Fee.
If you are accepted to a TI-1 session, you will be required to pay an $100 application fee regardless of current membership status. This fee will grant you (1) one-year ARRL membership. If you are already a current paid member, we will add an additional year of membership to your membership expiration date. The $100 application fee also covers a 1-year PRINT subscription of On the Air or QST to share with students in your classroom library. ARRL membership will also grant you access to special teacher discount programs that you will be enrolled in for the year. Membership is non-refundable.
Is an ARRL membership required to attend TI-1?
An ARRL membership is not required to apply for TI-1.
Is an amateur radio license required to attend TI-1?
It is NOT required that participants have an amateur radio license to attend Teachers Institute.
However, some of the equipment teachers receive for participating in TI is only usable by licensed amateur radio operators. Teachers who do not hold an amateur radio license by the end of TI will only receive that equipment by mail after obtaining an amateur radio license. Selected teachers will be sent license study materials upon acceptance for their license as a part of the program. There will be at least one free test session for TI participants in class.