This Supplemental is to be completed by Food and Beverage Vendors.
No Loud Jobsite Generators!
Only pre-approved GENERATORS will be permitted. If your generator is deemed by Event Staff to be disruptive or hazardous to your neighbors or the event, you must agree to immediately discontinue its use.
Multi Item Food Vendors may sell the following beverages at the prices listed below in addition to their approved Food items. Water: $2.00 Soda: $3.00 Sports Drinks: $4.00 No other beverage may be sold without written approval from POTTC.
Portions and Pricing: Portion prices should not be priced higher than $18.00 per item. Please set your portion sizes accordingly.
Giveaways: Vendors are not permitted to distribute, sample or giveaway soda, water, sports drinks, or alcoholic beverages without the express written consent of POTTC Events.
Cooking Oil or Grease must be disposed of properly by vendor and not left on site. Improper disposal, spills or abandonment may be reported to the EPA.
Clean Up: Vendors are responsible for removal of all trash & waste from their booth. If your Space requires cleaning by Event Staff, a Clean-up fee up to $200.00 will be charged to you or against your payout. Please breakdown boxes and place next to the event’s trashcans. No item(s) including but not limited to trash, boxes, displays, canopies, vehicles or trailers are to be left behind. Failure to comply may also result in the loss of future participation.
Please indicate the type of cooking equipment and source of heating you intend to use. (Check all that apply)