Clarification of Eligibility Criteria
Belizean Nationality/Residency This program aims to support Belizean citizens and/or CARICOM nationals. Businesses must have 51% and above Belizean/CARICOM simple majority ownership. In the case of the accommodation sector only, a minimum of 25% or more local equity is required, provided that 51% and above of staff are Belize citizens/Caricom nationals.
Collaboration with Belize Universities
This project aims to work working collaboratively with the University of Belize, St. John's College or Galen University to connect final year students with businesses that are applying for the Accelerator program. Students will work with the project and provide support to businesses in developing business plans and implementing their projects.
Businesses are required to work with the project team to develop business plans and strategies for improvement.
Business Financial Information
As part of the application, financial information will also be required to be submitted. This will include the past three years of sales and cash flow projection of three years.